Let’s start with some statistics: there are approximately 367 million active users on Pinterest. These users are aesthetic enthusiasts who enjoy discovering new things and showcasing their creativity. Because users enjoy exploring Pinterest, marketers typically provide the content, making it a great place to start promoting your products or showcasing them. Also see how to download pinterest video
Here are 25 facts
- Pinterest has around 200 million creative pins to explore.
- Compared to men, women are active users around 72%
- Pinterest is a platform for showcasing your product and around 83% of people purchase after seeing the product on Pinterest.
- Snapchat was considered to be the biggest social network but Pinterest overtook the platform and is now considered to be the biggest network in the US
- The final quarter of 2019 saw revenue from Pinterest of $400 million.
- In the top 10 relevant brands Pinterest holds its pride place like Apple, Disney, etc
- It’s fascinating to hear that Pinterest is creating change, 98% of people claim to have tried something new or fresh from this platform.
- In a week approximately 83% of users purchased Pinterest.
- Pinterest is not national, it is international with worldwide active and growing users.
- In 2018-2019 when active users started to grow the viewing of videos on Pinterest grew x6.
- After the success in active users especially in video content, Pinterest launched its exclusive video reaction in the year 2019
- Everything is about life and the most commonly searched is “life moments”( new babies, wedding, new house, etc)
- Pinterest has been their go-to app when they want to search or learn about an idea so in a month average around 8 searches are typed.
- Not only women are major active users, older people especially dads are much interested in Pinterest.
- Phone has always been a handy gadget and since Pinterest has an app to download, 85% are phone users.
- On Facebook ( for comparison) only 14% of users are using it for shopping but on Pinterest, it is 48% so it’s a win.
- To win the audience’s attention never post a blurry picture it’s recommended to post a 2:3 aspect ratio.
- Users are very interested and excited to watch ads or promotion videos or anything with a storyline.
- The description section for your pin is a wealth of knowledge for your viewers.
- Users are interested in your pin when they click on your link, therefore if your webpage is too dissimilar from your pin, they’ll probably get upset and depart.
- Everything is about strategy so money plays a major role so it’s better if you mention your price in the description.
- Making your ad more realistic is one of the essential elements for increasing sales since, as I’ve already indicated, everything comes down to strategy, and it’s been shown that it has increased sales.
- In the same way that you offer pricing, mention your contact information so that the transaction can be completed quickly. This strategy has a 70% higher likelihood of success.
- Just like how pinners love life moments, the most viewed content is based on home.
- As always, money plays a significant part in society, and 9.5 million users are interested in suggestions on financial service content…