RFID transponders that operate at 13.56 MHz are used in NFC tags. They are little chips or integrated circuits linked to an antenna; the chip features a unique ID and rewritable memory. The antenna enables the chip to communicate with an NFC reader or scanner like an NFC smartphone.
An NFC Chip’s accessible memory may be used to store data. This data can be readily read by an NFC device, such as a smartphone or tablet. You only need to touch the Tag with your mobile.
The sticker, which is a label that incorporates the circuit and the antenna, is the most popular kind of NFC tag. On the other hand, NFC tags may be readily incorporated into various supports with custom smart card printing. It could also be in a bracelet, a key ring, or a gadget, and it could be printed on wooden NFC cards due to their tiny size. The unique code of the chip allows an item equipped with an NFC Tag to be uniquely recognized.
NFC tags are unique in that they do not need a direct power source since they are triggered immediately by the magnetic field of the NFC sensor on the mobile phone or device that scans them. A Tag may be stuck to an item for years and still operate normally.
The usable capacity of NFC tags varies depending on the kind of chip; however, it is often less than 1 kilobyte in the most prevalent ones. This may seem to be a constraint, however, owing to the NDEF standard, the data format for the NFC encoded by the NFC Forum, and just a few bytes are required to get incredible functionalities.
All NFC Tags contain a unique code called UID (Unique ID), placed in the first two locked pages of memory that cannot be changed or deleted. You may use the UID to uniquely match an NFC Tag with an item or a person and then create apps that recognize and interact with them.
Below is an infographic from NFC Tagify to know the pros and cons of NFC Tags.